Dr Tony Boutagy
Expert Overview
Tony is an accredited exercise physiologist, strength and fitness coach and health educator. He completed his PhD in sports science in 2011 at Charles Darwin University.
For almost 25 years, Tony has helped people from all walks of life improve their health, fitness and physical performance.
Podcasts featuring Tony
The Secrets of Healthy Ageing
We know we can’t live forever but what can we do now to give us the best possible chance of living a long and healthy life?
In this episode we’re joined by expert Exercise Physiologist Dr Tony Boutagy to discuss what sort of exercise we should be doing and what we should be eating to age healthily.
The Secrets of Healthy Ageing (Pt.2)
This is part 2 of our conversation on how to stay healthy as we age with Exercise Physiologist Dr Tony Boutagy. Check out part 1 if you missed it.
In this episode we discuss the importance of sleep, how best to fit exercise into our busy lives and what sort of exercise we should be focusing on to get our best bang for buck.